Friday, March 22, 2013

Blog Revisit

        After rereading all of my blogs for this semester, the main topics that came up had to deal with traditional classrooms, individual work, behavior issues, and different grouping.  One of the reasons I think I mentioned these things the most was because they are something I am worried about in the future for when I teach my own classroom.  I also think these are things that could be worked on in this classroom as well.
        I am the type of person to stress about the future way in advance so I tend to worry about a lot of things.  Because I have been having trouble in this classroom now with behavior and different student groupings, I can't help but think I will have these same problems in the near future.  I think I am having these issues because I came halfway through the school year so the students do not really see me as a head authority figure in the classroom.  They are used to their teacher's voice already and quiets down when she speaks but they do not do the same for me and my co-teaching partner.  I have learned that it better to be strict in the beginning and then go easy on them than vize versa.  If you let them walk all over you in the beginning, then there is no turning back.
        I also mentioned traditional classrooms and individual work a lot and this is because that is what describes my mentor teacher's classroom.  It is one of the things that bother me the most, I think.  The majority of the day is the students sitting in their desks doing individual work.  Because they are always doing individual work, they never have the opportunity to learn how to work in a group.  This makes it difficult when my partner and I have to differentiate and group them because they always misbehave and act out when they are in groups.
        I think this just means that these issues will be addressed very early in my classroom so the students know where I stand on certain things including individual and group behavior.

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