Friday, April 12, 2013

Week 12

        For this past week, our mentor teacher has had us teach a lot.  It has been great practice because she has had us teach every subject.  Although this week we have had some pretty bad behavioral problems with a couple of our students.  One of the students is supposed to be on medicine but has not been on it for the past few weeks which tends to cause a lot of issues in the classroom.  The other student we had a problem with this week just seemed to be extremely reluctant to following directions.
        On Thursday we had a substitute teacher come in and our mentor teacher just told us to teach all day and handle any issues that arose.  Not surprisingly, we had some pretty serious issues with both of those students previously stated.  I had to deal with one of the students while my co-teaching partner taught the rest of the class and then at the end of the day we both dealt with the other student during math while the substitute dealt with the first student.  It was a very stressful day and it got me wondering how you are supposed to deal with behavior like this when you are by yourself in the classroom.

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